Liposuction Swelling and Recovery


Reducing Liposuction Swelling

Liposuction can cause signification swelling in patients, which is why it is important to prepare for and focus on swelling during recovery. Fortunately, in recent years advancements in technology and innovative techniques have helped liposuction patients better manage and reduce swelling. Below, Dr. Neinstein outlines several areas Neinstein Plastic Surgery focuses on to help patients reduce their liposuction swelling.

Compression Garments and Shapewear

The compression and shapewear industry has blossomed to become a mature fashion market over the last few years. This was due to the expansion of shapewear into the day to day wardrobe of American women with the growth of Spanx.

The shapewear does not provide the same compression that is needed to help enhance the healing after any procedure, especially liposuction. The body responds to the energy used to melt fat and tighten skin by trying to expand.

I prefer Marena compression wear ( for the first 3 weeks after surgery. As the author of the latest textbook on advanced liposuction techniques, Iโ€™ve spent a lot of time analyzing fabrics and weaving technology.

My team measures each individual patient to ensure the proper fit.ย  I also prefer compression garments which go above and below the area of treatment. For instance, a girdle with shoulder straps and shorts would be used for abdomen and waist contouring procedure to reduce the risk of garment folding.

Currently I promote wrap knits which are engineered and interwoven in precision loops to form an X-weave that maintains controlled compression. This type of weave uses fibers that are wrapped, so they are softer on the skin than most stretch fibers like those in power net.

Physical Activity

The first 3 days I allow the small vessels after surgery to reconnect like two pipes coming back together. This is the key phase when physical activity needs to be reduced, otherwise swelling will be significant. After that point we gradually increase activity and, using our custom movement program and proper nutrition, I expect patients at moderate exercise in 2 weeks and full throttle at 3 weeks.


As the only plastic surgeon in Manhattan to have a full time lymphatic drainage team, I have fully adopted the principles of this ancient technique. We start lymphatic drainage as soon as possible after surgery. The lymphatic is the third system after arteries and veins and is responsible for draining stale water and waste. A trained masseuse will be able to mobilize the excess fluid from swelling to enhance and speed up healing.

Given its popularity for detoxifying and improving energy flow, our masseuses are booked weeks out by those not having surgery, looking to heal their bodies from the day to day breakdown from exercise and life stress.

Self Massage

After 2 weeks we let our patients perform wood therapy at home, which is another ancient technique being brought back. I have found that patients really enjoy the blend of modern technology and sophistication of surgery with the comfort of ancient body treatment techniques. Wood therapy uses a small wooden device that looks like a baking roller. The prongs are of a special length and weight to stimulate the attachment of the skin to the underlying fascia (the surface that covers the muscle). Lymphatic drainage helps remove fluid and wood therapy helps speed up tissue tightening.


Salt draws water into the body — I once had a patient eat a burger and fries the night after surgery and gain 20 lbs in a day! I suggest patients stick to a plant based anti-inflammatory diet that has been specifically cultivated for our patients by our in-house celebrity nutritionist and fitness influencer Neda Varbanova @healthywithnedi.

Interested In Learning More?

To learn more about liposuction and Neinstein Plastic Surgery’s approach to recovery and swelling reduction for patients, please contact us, today.

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