Hype About Motiva Implants

What’s the hype about Motiva Implants?

Yes, as you might have heard, there is new implant technology available in the United States! This implant technology brings exciting new concepts for all women seeking small volume, natural- looking breast augmentation results. (Which as you know, most of our patients are!)

What is the new technology and when did it become available?

Motiva implants bring new advances in implant technology and are a 6th generation implant. The implant technology maximizes patient safety, decreases risk of complications and offers new options for women seeking the most natural- looking results.

Motiva implants (designed by Establishment Labs) became available in the USA after obtaining FDA approval on September 26, 2024. They have been available in Europe and other locations around the world for the last decade with an excellent safety and patient satisfaction record. We are excited to be able to bring this new technology to you!

Why are we excited about Motiva Implants?

Let’s start with the safety. Motiva implants are the newest generation of breast implant. They are designed by a Women’s Health Company that focuses on prioritizing patient safety and optimizing clinical outcomes. This is a 6th generation implant designed with cutting edge implant gel and shell technology.

While they are newly available for use in the United States, they aren’t going to be available just anywhere. This Women’s Health Company is being very conscientious with how implants are being distributed among plastic surgeons. The first surgeons to use Motiva Implants will be those who have received dedicated training in their unique technology and specialized surgical techniques.

But I thought all teardrop shaped implants are textured. Isn’t that bad?

motivaBefore Motiva implants became available for use in the United States, all tear-drop shaped (anatomic) implants were designed with a macro-textured surface. This macro-textured surface has been associated with a rare type of cancer called breast-implant associated large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) We do not use any macro-textured devices at our practice for that reason.

Motiva implants are designed a Smooth-Silk surface with women’s health in mind. This surface type is designed to enhance biocompatibility and decrease implant- related inflammation. This surface type is the only of its kind and is intended to decrease risk of BIA-ALCL. This technology also nearly eliminates the risk of capsular contracture.

Why would I want to limit capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is one of the most common implant related complications. It is a tightening of the scar tissue around an implant. In the least severe cases, capsular contracture can cause one or both implants to feel firmer than usual. In more advanced cases capsular contracture can cause asymmetry and distortion of implants (most commonly a high- riding implant). In the most severe cases capsular contracture is also associated with discomfort and pain.

Once it capsular contracture develops, it’s very difficult to treat. There are some medications that can be used to help, but it usually requires surgical intervention. Capsular contracture also has a high risk of coming back again. Motiva implants are an exciting solution to this difficult-to-treat and sometimes recurrent implant- related complication.

Tell me more about Motiva

Motiva Implants also introduced a BluSeal technology designed to limit risk of silicone leakage. This is the first implant of its kind to have a visible barrier layer of this nature for patient protection. Again, maximizing patient safety.

How do Motiva Ergonomix Implants help achieve the most natural- looking results in breast augmentation?

The implant shape we are most excited about is called the Motiva Ergonomix Implant.
Their Ergonomix design is intended to allow the implant to move along with you, making them a great option for women who are looking for implants that are going to fit their lifestyle. These implants mimic the natural shape of the breast by taking on a tear-drop shaped appearance when you stand and a rounder shape when laying down.

Do Motiva Implants come in traditional implant shapes also?

Yes. Motiva implants are also available in a more traditional round shape. These round shaped implants can be used for women who are looking for more of an augmented look. They carry more of their volume the upper pole of the breast (the part of the breast about the nipple).

Do Motiva implants ripple like other implants?

No, The gel- to- shell technology of Motiva implants is designed to limit risk of visible rippling. Why is this important? Thin women with very little breast tissue often seek the most natural- looking results. These women also happen to have the highest risk of visible rippling.

The surface of all implants wrinkle with movement. The wrinkles (or ripples) that occur with the traditional implants are deeper and more likely to show through the skin and breast tissue.

Another group of women with a high risk of visible rippling are moms whose breast tissue has become less dense after breastfeeding and pregnancy. Motiva implants offer an excellent strategy for decreasing the risk of rippling in these thin patients and post- partum moms.

More candidates for above muscle implants

Many women prefer over-the muscle- implants. Until now, many of these thin patients and post-partum moms with little breast density were not good candidates for above muscle implants, due to a high risk of visible rippling. Motiva implants are going to be a game changer for these women.

Above muscle implants have many benefits. They settle faster and the procedure is less invasive. Placing implants above the muscle also avoids the risk of something called animation deformity.

Animation is a complication unique to below muscle implants. Animations occurs when an implant moves along with contraction of the pec muscle. Many women find this complication both feels and looks unnatural. In extreme cases animation can also cause discomfort.

Breast harmony and preservation

Motiva implants are ultimately designed to be used for breast harmonization and natural- looking enhancements. Breast harmonization leans into using smaller volume implants for more subtle changes. This allows for breast preservation techniques that are changing the world of breast enhancement to prioritize women’s health, and consistently achieving predictable, natural- looking results. For more information about Motiva you can download the brochure here.

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