Revision Tummy Tuck & Revision Mommy Makeover
Not getting the outcome you want from your surgery sucks, we are here to make sure that doesn’t happen again. Two concepts to think about going into a revision procedure:- The hard thing to do is the right thing to do (bigger operation, longer scars, for a better life)
- Trade what you want now for what you want most (longer downtime for a better life)
Overview of Revision Tummy Tuck Surgery
Who is it for: someone who had a tummy tuck and mommy makeover but are not happy with the results. What is the problem: scar is too high, scar is not long enough, belly button is weird, skin is still loose overall they did not accomplish their goal. Why does this matter: you deserve to be the hero of your own story. Our goal is to guide and take you from problem to solutionWhy do we do so many revision mommy makeover and revision tummy tuck surgeries?
I think the answer to this is quite simple. As surgeons we need to spend more time listening and less time talking. We must seek to understand before we seek to be understood. Patients and all humans seek to be valued, heard, and cared for. These are insatiable human cravings. Unfortunately, many consultations are superficial in nature and not diving into the emotions, fears, and feelings that are truly driving someone to make such a monumental decision such as having surgery. Most of the time and understandably the patients want to “minimize” or do a ”little lipo” or a “little skin job” or “nothing too serious”. This is what the surgeon hears and complies with an operation that the patients wants but everyone knows and nobody wants to say it, its not the operation the patient needs to get the results they deserve. The goal of the surgeon is to serve not to sell, the goal of the consultation is to help patients make the best decision possible, sometimes that means having surgery, sometimes it means not having surgery and sometimes it means having surgery with someone else. Honestly, as long as I know I am being the best doctor and truly helping someone in their life I don’t worry at all if they choose not to have surgery with me or not to have surgery at all. Surgery cannot be sales, humans are not widgets, every patient has a unique story and journey. So how do we build a bridge of trust so you can feel comfortable and confident having another (more complex and bigger) surgery than you did the first time. For many this means leaving their loved ones and travelling across the country or across the globe.- Listen to your goals
- Build a relationship
- Make sure we always have your concerns, well being, and feelings as top priority
- Proof (without undeniable proof, 1,2,3 do not matter). We have completed so many cases with so many happy community members (patients) and have the testimonials, videos, pictures, contacts etc to prove it so you don’t have to worry about making the wrong decision again.
Let’s Look at Some Cases
Case 1
The main issue was that the surgeon did not design the operation unique to her anatomy to match the goals of the patient. No two patients are the same. There can not be a templated approach to performing plastic surgery. By hyper focusing and being obsessed we can understand the nuances of designing an operation to match the goal. Here is a mom who came to see me, she was with her husband, they are funny happy and clearly in love (its inspiring). She had a tummy tuck a few years ago and liked her surgeon but she just felt like their was something missing. She always loved bikinis and tight dresses but her surgery didn’t help her get back to those days which was sad and upsetting.
- Circumferential tummy tucks: this means actually removing the waist and lower back skin and putting the scar in the bikini/underwear line. No surgery has ever made more women happier than this operation
- BBL aka Brazilian butt lift during the procedure: if your tush is deflated we will discuss re inflating it a little for a perkier look and feel.

Case 2
This is the most common problem we see. This is why I say a “little lipo” is the most dangerous words in plastic surgery for moms. If you have had children and even have a little loose skin it is likely that only a tummy tuck will solve your goals. Don’t get sold on a procedure that wont work. When the fat is removed under loose skin the skin becomes lumpy and bumpy when heat such as laser, radio frequency whatever is applied it gets lumpy bumpy and hard.
This mom came to us from Beverly Hills 5 years after a “little lipo”. A friend of hers suggested seeing “this guy in New York who fixes a lot of these” she was nervous and weary. She didn’t really trust plastic surgeons after this. I listened to her concerns, fears, feelings and walked her through with many pictures, videos, and testimonials how a tummy tuck can cut away the deformities and leave her with the body she sought originally.
Here she is 6 months after surgery thriving and back in the crop top club (the fun name our patients made up for the ability and willingness of moms who never in a million years thought they would wear a crop top again wearing them!)
This mom came from Monaco after being referred by a colleague in Milan. She was sold a “little lipo” not once but a few times, each doctor saying they could fix her with skin tightening.
She stayed with us for 10 days before going home so she could have our nursing team look after her, our masseuses smooth her out, and me see her everyday after her complex revision tummy tuck.
Here she is 6 months later back in her slim tight dresses and she has fully re-engaged into her active social life with confidence, and that is a beautiful thing.
I was actually skiing in France when this very nice woman came up to me and asked me if I was Dr Neinstein. We ended up chatting and she came to see me in New York for a consultation after her trip. Her issues were that the scar was too high and that the scar was not long enough, this left her with an odd shape and feeling embarrassed about her body.
We did a scar lowering in the front procedure, and re contoured her waist and back by converting her to a circumferential tummy tuck. We also performed a complex revision breast surgery where we removed old implants, changed the pocket, did a lift, used the internal bra and some fat grafting for custom cleavage at the same time. Again she travelled to us so she stayed with us for 10 days before going home so she could have our nursing team look after her, our masseuses smooth her out, and me see her everyday after her complex revision surgery.
Here she is 9 months after surgery. She tells us things like “I can now where whatever I want without trying to figure out how to wear it, its liberating”.
Case 5
This mom came to us from Atlanta via a friend of hers in Atlanta who had surgery with us. She again did not feel as though her tummy tuck gave her the shape she desired and she is such a workout warrior that it really bothered her that she did not have the goal she was looking for.
She really hated the loose skin on the waist that still even though she had a tummy tuck hung over her jeans and leggings.
We did a redo of all the lipo, we lowered her scar in the front and did a circumferential tummy tuck so she can get back in a bikini and enjoy her life to the max.
She was so excited about her results she lost 32 lbs and went from a size 30 to a size 22. Her mind and body feel long lean and sexy.
The world is getting smaller. Anybody anywhere can now find us as we slowly bit by bit share our experience in helping people solve their problems.
We think about medicine as relationship based. Our patients come from around the world. They are referred by doctors but mostly through the community of patients. Creating a remarkable experience is what makes people remark aka say things to others. Our patients share their stories online and in reviews and in forums so others can find the surgeon that will help solve their problems.
This 43 year old mom of 6 came to see us after having a mini tuck elsewhere. She was unhappy because she felt she still looked pregnant and she had a lot of extra skin. After listening to her fears and feelings we came up with a plan to convert her mini tuck to a full tuck and repair all of her separated muscles not just her.
Here she is a year and a half after her corrective full tummy tuck with multi vector muscle repair:
Why are people willing to undergo a revision tummy tuck procedure?
Interestingly, the patients who seek revision tummy tuck or revision mommy makeover surgery are incredibly strong, insightful, and happy people living fulfilling lives. They want to optimize their life and prove to themselves that there is another level of enjoyment of life available.
Many surgeons don’t want to take on revision cases because they are hard and it’s even harder to make people satisfied. John F. Kennedy at his famous thrilling speech in 1962 at Rice University said, “We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy but because it is hard, that goal will organize and energize our skills, that challenge is worth it. It is not surprising that some would accept the status quo and rest but this Country was conquered by those who choose not to rest and are willing to go forward”.
History has taught us that our passion for knowledge and progress cannot be deterred and in our own way we keep these immortal words true to our hearts as a beacon for the way we practice.
We take on hard cases because we have the grit factor to dig in and use every ounce of skill and resource possible to try and help these people find their sense of self they sought in the first place. It’s not easy but we find the challenge to be worth it.
Common Themes
The challenge of making someone whole with revision surgery and allowing them to live the life they deserve with the body they want is our passion.
Tell us your story!
Please email us what happened. What your goals are? Tell us about yourself so we can get to know (where did you grow up, where do you live, your family, work, exercise routine) but most importantly share what really bothers you?
We will start the process from here and we can’t wait to meet.
