Circumferential Tummy Tuck
Circumferential tummy tucks are not just for massive weight loss patients, in fact we use them for both patients who have lost a lot of weight and for patients who are just very loose!
We had to make a new operation for patients coming in who were thin and loose all the way around or had massive weight loss – the regular tuck was not good enough.
Two quotes for innovation are always stuck in my head:
Jeff Bezos famously said, “The smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved.”
And Malky the Elder a Prussian Field Marshall whose lessons are taught at West Point and the Naval Academy to future Admirals and Generals taught the classic lesson, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.”
For instance, when you take a 50-year-old mom who weighed 140lbs but before her surgery she lost 17lbs with Mounjaro and you do a regular tummy tuck, she becomes very unhappy because her waist spills over her underwear and bikini; she doesn’t feel like the surgery was a success.
Here we see a 51-year-old mom from Atlanta who had the same and common scenario as above. She showed up in Atlanta for her tummy tuck looser than she was at the consultation and the surgeon did not modify the plan. The result? He did a regular tummy tuck and she was unhappy.
You can see that her waist is very loose:
This patient came to New York to see me and we did a revision procedure. We lowered her regular tummy tuck scar in the front, then completed the procedure all the way around so she could get the actual result she was looking for.
After her circumferential tummy tuck with Dr. Neinstein at Neinstein Plastic Surgery:
This is important: this patient from Atlanta never wore a string bikini in her life until she was in her 50s and she had a circumferential tummy tuck.
So, what I am saying is, the happiest patients get their problems completely solved when they do the operations that are needed to get the results they want.
Here she is in her 50s and ask yourself – does she look like she cares about the scar?
Circumferential Tummy Tuck with Neinstein
Why Did We Create the Circumferential Tummy Tuck?
Simple – it was the GLP-1 medications that changed the dynamics of everything.
- Ozempic, you lose 15% of your body weight
- Mounjaro, you lose 21% of your body weight
- And apparently there is a new one coming that causes 24% of body weight loss.
For a deep dive on Ozempic and Plastic Surgery please see the Ozempic plastic surgery page.
What Makes Circumferential Tummy Tuck Different Besides the Scar Going All the Way Around?
- We lift the bum
- We shape the bum from long wide and flat into a heart
- We tighten the lateral or outside thigh
- We tighten or snatch the waist
Pre-Op Marking
A lot of the time the bum is not just flat but also deflated so we add fat; yes, you can have a BBL at the same time as your circumferential tuck – you just need to recover a little differently using a special BBL bed.
Example of a circumferential tummy tuck with BBL at the same time:
If you think that these operations are just for people in their 30s and 40s think again! This mom is in her late 60s!

I know you are thinking, “this is great doc but what about the scars from circumferential tummy tuck”
Here is a Florida mom before and after her circumferential tummy tuck following 80 pound weight loss with the help of Mounjaro after her last big baby. She lives in Florida and loves to travel to St. Barths and Europe in the summer, but she felt like she was missing out on the best years of her life because of all the loose skin after babies and weight loss. Now check out her body after her circumferential tummy tuck and BBL. She shows her scars!

Fast Facts About Circumferential Tummy Tuck
- Dr. Neinstein, Dr. Chris, and Dr. Pierre all perform circumferential tummy tucks with or without BBLs the same way, so it does not matter which surgeon you choose.
- Plan for a full week of downtime and a month of inconvenience.
- Remember, nobody cares about the scars.
- We do this every single day so our admin, nursing, and private aftercare nurses are all well versed on all aspects of the procedure; having a team you can trust is essential.
- At NPS our patients get a high touch aftercare experience you can’t get anywhere else. With private duty nursing so you are never alone after surgery, and daily house calls from the surgeon which is essential for taking away your stress, your recovery experience will be second to none.
- Aftercare private nursing means your spouse does not have to worry and, more importantly, do the nitty gritty aftercare like managing your dressings, drains, taking you to the bathroom etc…. this is key.
- The circumferential tummy tuck is not limited to moms; we perform many on men and women who have lost a lot of weight but don’t have kids.
Its time to stop missing out on life events call us at 212.249.0949 or email us your story at before you meet with a surgeon we will have a patient experience director call you and walk you through and explain the pricing per surgeon and how all this will work
– Dr. Neinstein
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