About Neck & Chin Liposuction Incisions


Why We Use Three Incisions for Chin and Neck Liposuction

I used to use one incision under the chin because why would you not want one incision compared to three but Dr. Chris Funderburk and I over the last several years noticed a few things to evolve our technique

1. People Want the Jawline Snatched

Our job as plastic surgeons is to help people achieve their goals and most people come see us because of stubborn chin and neck fat this diet and exercise resistant but when we ask them to show us what they mean they show their chin fat and point to their jawline as well. MEANING PEOPLE WANT A SNATCHED JAWLINE.

So we evolved our technique, we make little incisions at the angle of the jaw and under the chin this allows the procedure to maximize the snatching of the jawline

These incisions literally fade away and cant be seen but take the chin and jawline liposuction procedure from about a 7/10 to a 9 plus out of 10.

nps_chin-neck-blog2. You Can Do Chin and Neck Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia

Yes, we do a lot of big procedures in our New York City, Manhattan, Upper East Side Plastic Surgery procedures and many add chin and neck liposuction to those procedures. However, many patients especially younger patients are only bothered by their chin and neck stubborn fat. If you can safely and comfortable do a plastic surgery procedure under local anesthesia why not. So here is how that works, on the day of the procedure you come to our beautiful Plastic Surgery office. We will give you some oral sedation aka pills so you can feel as though you had a drink or two (to take the edge off as they say). We then bring you into the operating room. Now the music you will hear will be a combined effort in choice (lol) we typically stick to the 80s and 90s but on Fridays we go Country, obviously as the patient you will get a lot of input. We then get you cozy on the table and place numbing into the skin in the three areas we will make tiny injections. Once that is done we will slowly put numbing or tumescent fluid under the skin into the chin, neck, and jawline for the chin neck lipo procedure that will also help define and snatch your jawline. This feels like pressure and the sensation is well tolerated. After you are numb we can start the procedure

3. Traditional Lipo Is Ok for Chin and Neck Liposuction But We Use Vaser Plasma and Custom Cannulas Because “Ok” Is Not “Ok” With Us

nps_before-after-chin-jaw-12.7-minSo yes you can out numbing or tumescent fluid in and then simply remove fat but this is a sculpting procedure and we donโ€™t think its just a remove some fat procedure and let’s see what happens. We start by using VASER liposuction, VASER uses ultrasound energy on the fat, it looks like a little pen and goes in the small incisions, this allows the fat to be melted (think turning cheese into queso) this allows the fat to come out smoother and easier because if it was resistant to diet and exercise its not going to come out super easy. Once the fat is melted we have created custom little curved cannulas (the liposuction tubes, rods, wands, whatever you want to call it). Traditional liposuction instruments just could not get into the nooks and crannies around the jawline. So we use 2.4mm curved cannulas smaller in length than your hand, this has really taken the procedure to another elevel and helped create an extended chin and neck liposuction experience. At the end of the procedure we use jplasma from renuvion to help add some heat to the bottom of the skin to tighten the collagen

4. You Have To Do Lymphatic Massages and Wear The Garments

So now that the procedure is over its your turn to control the narrative of how your chin and neck will heal after liposuction. We will wrap you very tight (think facelift bandage) for two days. During those two days we will ask you to sleep siting up and stand as much possible aka stay upright. Once the wrap comes off we will want you to do at least two lymphatic drainage massages to get out all the remaining numbing fluid and healing tissue, this will reduce inflammation and promote better faster healing. We then ask you to wear a chin liposuction garment as much as possible for three weeks (you can take off when outside the house/apartment). Expect a week of bruising, swelling, most are totally fine in public a few days later but many people are bruisers and as such expect to wear turtle necks for a while.

5.The Hardest Part of Being A Patient Is Being Patient

Surgery is hard mentally because after you may look worse and wonder why you even did it and during the healing it may be sore and annoying and again you may wonder why you did it but as the weeks and months pass and the swelling goes down coupled with exercise to fire the right muscles in the right way you will see your chin come in and jawline maximize and this means you can enjoy pictures from any angle and in general feel super comfortable and confident with yourself!

If you want a snatched or sculpted chin, neck, jawline send us a picture or video to info@neinsteinplasticsurgery.com and our concierge team will start your journey

– Dr Neinstein