Understanding Chic, Small Volume Breast Augmentation


by Dr. Anna Steve

Bigger isn’t always better

Understanding chic, small volume breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation trends are changing. While Dolly Parton looks fabulous, at nearly eighty years old, the size and style of her Baywatch implants are no longer the desired aesthetic of most patients. For years, she was one of the most iconic celebrities associated with breast augmentation. What has changed?

Women are gravitating towards small volume implants for more natural- looking results. Kendall Jenner’s breasts have become one of the most desired aesthetics for plastic surgery patients seeing breast enhancement. Taylor Swift and Bella Hadid follow closely behind as other celebrities commonly provided as examples of the ‘ideal’ breast aesthetic among New York City women seeking breast augmentation.

Many patients describe hesitation about breast augmentation because they are afraid that implants might ‘make them look bigger’ or change types of tops and clothes they fit into. Women who lead active lifestyles work hard every day to stay fit and lean. The last thing they want is implants that are going to make them feel heavier or get in the way during work outs.

Female professionals with high power careers seek implants that will help them fill out their tops and clothes better, without making them feel like the center of attention in the boardroom. Moms want to be able to go to their parent-teacher interviews without everyone in the room knowing ‘they had something done”. For this type of a look both smaller volume and lower profile implants are becoming the norm.

Why have these small volume implants become so common among New York City women? New York has always been at the forefront of fashion and in many ways fashion and plastic surgery go hand in hand. High fashion trends often don’t accommodate a larger volume breast aesthetic. Most women seeking breast augmentation don’t want to change the types of tops and bathing suits they wear or the size of tops they fit into, they just want to fill them out better.

Hiding visible implant borders, creating softer aesthetic lines, and achieving a more natural- looking shape are the priorities of many patients seeking breast implants. With breast enhancement goals so subtle, many women wonder if fat transfer alone to the breast would be a better alternative to implants. This option is attractive, as it is often referred to as an ‘all natural’ type of breast enhancement.

Women considering fat transfer only should understand the differences between fat transfer and implants before deciding which option will better meet their goals. Unlike an implant, fat transfer doesn’t provide structure to the breast. For women who describe a desire to be able to “go braless with more shape to the breasts”, “restore volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding”, or “add more volume to the upper pole” (upper portion of the breast), an implant is the better option.

That said, an implant combined with fat transfer can create the most individualized results. When used in combination, the implant provides structure, to allow you to be able to go braless and maintain shape. Fat transfer is used to add natural volume overtop of the implant and customize results.

Fat grafting is particularly helpful for several different types of patients. Thin women and very small- breasted women who are concerned about implants having a ‘stuck on’ appearance rely on fat grafting over the implant to soften aesthetic lines. Fat transfer is also a great option for women who choose above muscle (subfascial) implants but still desire natural-looking results. In these cases, the fat transfer can be used instead of placing implants below the muscle for natural volume over the implants. Fat transfer is also essential for building central cleavage in women with a large gap between their breasts. In these instances, fat transfer can build an aesthetic that brings cleavage lines closer together.

Fat for transfer to the breast is removed from other stubborn areas of the body using liposuction techniques. It is then transferred to the breast using special tools that don’t require any additional scars. Some women chose to combine liposculpting of a stubborn area with breast augmentation because fat for transfer to the breast can really be taken from any stubborn area and re-purposed for natural- volume in the breasts. This approach has the added benefit of improving contour to a second are of frustration. Some of the most common areas to steal stubborn fat are the outer thighs, waist, or arms.

An essential part of achieving desired aesthetic results is communication of aesthetic goals. Professionals gravitate toward the term ‘boardroom boob’ to describe the subtle aesthetic that avoids being the center of attention in the boardroom. Women in the fashion world often describe their desired results as ‘chic implants’. Mothers seeking augmentation to restore volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding often use the terms ‘elegant, or subtle breast augmentation”.

While this language is extremely helpful, language is also subjective. Some patients use the same language to describe very different aesthetic outcomes. What ‘looks natural’ to one patient, may look ‘too full’ to another. For this reason, photos are an essential part of the communication process. Collecting ‘inspo photos’ or ‘wish pics’ prior to your breast augmentation consultation is a helpful exercise in discovering your own aesthetic preferences.

Photos that demonstrate your ideal results can create a platform to discuss goals with your plastic surgeon before surgery. Equally helpful are photos that demonstrate your breast augmentation nightmares. Your collection of ‘inspo’ and ‘anti-inspo’ photos can be used to communicate more than just desired breast size. Other important features to consider are fullness and placement of breast implants (spacing).

Some women prefer to maintain some separation in their cleavage, while others desire cleavage lines that are closer together. Some women desire more fullness to the upper portion of the breast, while others desire a more a gentle slope. One women’s before, may be another woman’s desired after! The most important factor is finding a surgeon who aligns with your aesthetic goals and understands ‘the look’ you’re going for.

That said, aesthetic trends vary somewhat by region. Traditional Miami, or Texas-style implants are classically a larger volume, fuller look. Many women have been told that ‘if you’re going to have breast augmentation, you might as well make it worth it”. Perhaps a reason why so many patients from all over the world fly to New York City seeking smaller volume implants for a more elegant aesthetics.