A Bubby’s Surgery Review

Before I share some kind words with you from a 66 year old Bubby, who gave me the honor and privilege of being her surgeon for her first plastic surgery, I felt like it was important to share more about me. For those who know me know that I am really into history and reading. I have always felt books and stories are like candles taking us through dim caves. Similar to me was one of my favorite characters Theodore aka Teddy Roosevelt. It’s not just that he grew up in New York City a few short blocks from where I write this blog right now, it’s his life story was so inspiring to me becoming a surgeon. Theodore Roosevelt was a small boy who read about great men and decided he could be just like them. Roosevelt was a man of courage in his life. He charged up mountains, hosted Booker T Washington, he did not back down to corporate establishments. He was a boy with Asthma with big dreams. I was a boy with Asthma and big dreams once too. It was through my passion for reading that led me to learn all about Teddy Roosevelt and the main takeaway was that anyone with a desire big enough to match their dreams might just be able to make those dreams real. Plastic Surgery and Medicine has given so much texture and context to my life. I get to make real long lasting relationships with fantastic people and learn all about our world. Earlier today I received this feedback from a patient. Its messages like this that make me do feel as though dreams can come true. 

– Dr. Ryan Neinstein

Bubby’s Story

Hi Dr. Ryan,

I think you’re the hardest person to thank and yet the most important.

I am home recovering and managing far better than anyone thought.

How do I put into words with tears of appreciation in my eyes for the loving and kind care you and your team have shown me.

From the very first time I met you and I did not go to any other wonderful plastic surgeons. You have a team of outstanding professionals that assist at every opportunity and provide wonderful care throughout the process. Being medically talented is only half the battle particularly in a field like yours and the way you reach out personally and that service is shared by your entire staff is something that is truly remarkable.

I know that everything begins from the top, but your kindness And your heart of platinum shines through certainly in the way you took care of me. Even with the additional anxiety of what happened Thursday Post surgery , during recovery , you never lost your cool and made me feel like there was no real risk which I’m certain there was and your decision to keep me overnight in your surgical clinic with nurse Rachel, who was beyond amazing.

I’m so excited to see the results and while I know it will take several months for really the swelling to completely go down. I am so appreciative for the love you shown me and the encouragement given my age.

I don’t feel like an old person but numbers are numbers and you’ve made me feel beautiful and young and nothing wrong with my wanting to do this at age 66.
Even with presenting thin you encouraged me as did my own husband and any of the doctors I needed to see for the pre-work up to go ahead and get a mommy makeover.

I will never forget how you over a weekend came down every single morning post surgery always smiling and encouraging and telling me how well I’m doing.

Thank you doesn’t seem to suffice but it’s all I really have and no words adequately can properly express my gratitude.

They say women fall in love with their doctors And I’m sure that has happened many a time… mine is a true love of gratitude and appreciation for who you are, you’re incredible talented gift of Surgery, and wonderful father husband and type of human being I can see you are both in person and through your great Instagram account. You are the best out there and deserve everything that is in your heart.

May your faith in God, and your true and wonderful Jewish heart which is so special continue to be blessed with everything you wish for, good health and prosperity and wonderful joy from your beautiful wife and darling son and daughter till 120+ .

Truly with love ❤️ and gratitude, Bubby.

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