Patient Story: How Mommy Makeover with Neinstein Plastic Surgery Changed My Life

By a Neinstein Plastic Surgery Patient

My Journey of Transformation: How Mommy Makeover with Neinstein Plastic Surgery Changed My Life

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring significant changes to a woman’s body. After experiencing three pregnancies within 3 years and facing the heartbreaking loss of my twin babies due to preterm labor, I found myself struggling with physical and emotional challenges. The toll of pregnancy, weight gain, and the loss had taken a toll on my confidence and overall happiness. However, my life took a remarkable turn when I discovered the transformative power of a Mommy Makeover with Neinstein Plastic Surgery. Not only did it help me regain my pre-pregnancy body, but it also reignited my self-confidence and brought back the joy and happiness I had lost.

For some background- the loss of my twin babies at six months into my first pregnancy was an unimaginable tragedy that left me devastated. Coping with such a profound loss was emotionally draining, and I found myself in a deep state of sadness and depression. The weight of grief affected my well-being, causing me to lose sight of who I once was. Furthermore, the physical changes that occurred during that pregnancy and my subsequent 2 pregnancies, coupled with the weight gain, further compounded my struggle. I longed to find myself again, to regain the sense of self that had eluded me for far too long.

The turning point was when I discovered Neinstein Plastic Surgery. I was teetering about the idea of a mommy makeover for a while, I initially felt as though there was a stigma around plastic surgery. But after thinking about my ultimate goals, I determined that plastic surgery should not be stigmatized – it empowers people to make informed choices about their bodies, fostering self-confidence and addressing both aesthetic and functional concerns without judgement. As a mother, I gave my body to my children to grow, protect and feed them. It was my turn to have my body back, I deserved it.

After extensive research and consultations with many plastic surgeons, I found Neinstein Plastic Surgery, a world renowned practice specializing in Mommy Makeovers. The moment I walk into to the beautiful, refreshing office, met the happy, kind, and always smiling staff, and met the one and only Dr. Neinstein, I felt like I was home and with my people. I knew NPS was the only option for me. Unlike all of the other consultations I went on where they quickly rushed me in and out making me feel like it was just a money making factory, Dr. Neinstein runs a completely different practice. He and Dr. Anna sat with me for a long time, answering my many questions, working together on an optimal surgical plan and putting me completely at ease. Dr. Neinstein says “the surgery is the easy part” and that stayed with me all the way to the point that they held my hands as I went under. Dr. Neinstein’s expertise in addressing the specific concerns faced by women after pregnancy is what drew me in, but his warmth and care sealed the deal and I decided to take the leap towards reclaiming my body and reviving my self-esteem with NPS.

The Mommy Makeover Experience: The Mommy Makeover offered by Neinstein Plastic Surgery is a comprehensive package of procedures tailored to address the physical changes caused by pregnancy and childbirth. In my case, it involved a combination of extended tummy tuck, diastatic recti repair, lipo360 and BBL (because why not!) with Dr. Neinstein and explant surgery, breast lift, new smaller implants and internal bra with Dr. Anna. The dedicated team at Neinstein guided me through the entire process, from the initial consultation to the recovery period, ensuring that I felt comfortable, informed, and supported every step of the way. Both Dr. Neinstein and Dr. Anna gave me their cell phone numbers to ensure I would be able to speak to them directly about any concerns leading up to my surgery. This was such a refreshing change from all medical offices I have ever been to in my life. I usually cannot get past the front desk to even get my urgent questions answered timely (if at all) never-mind having a direct line to the surgeons. Every new day leading up to the surgery became more and more obvious how connected this practice is to their patients, with multiple calls from the office staff to prep me on my task list and expectations for day of procedure and recovery, calls the night before surgery with the surgeons and anesthesiologist to calm my nerves. I could cry happy tears just thinking about the love and care this team has for their patients. They made me feel like I was their only patient. They gave me hope and strength when I had none. The emotional bonding that took place with this incredible team that changed my life was such a beautiful experience.

Physical Transformation and Emotional Healing: The results of my Mommy Makeover were nothing short of astonishing. I look amazing, and I feel good saying it! The excess skin and stretch marks that had lingered after my pregnancies were finally gone, replaced by a firm and toned abdomen. The breast lift and new perkier implants restored the youthful appearance I had missed, and the liposuction helped contour my body, removing the stubborn pockets of fat that had accumulated during pregnancy. And my flat mom ass that I thought I would have forever has turned into a beautiful, rejuvenated, juicy tush. I looked in the mirror this morning, exactly 6 weeks post op and cannot believe this is my body. It looks better than pre-pregnancy, and it’s not even close to done healing. It isn’t to say that some days weren’t hard, I was sore after the surgery, sleeping required a lot of creativity and pillows, I was swollen – some days worse than others- but I trusted the process set forth by Dr. Neinstein. I followed high protein, low sodium diet, moved A LOT, exercised once cleared, ate clean, and my body had a very easy recovery. My body started really taking a new beautiful shape 3 weeks in, and with each passing day, I felt more like myself againโ€”confident, beautiful, and full of life.

Beyond the physical transformation, the emotional impact was profound. As my body transformed, so did my confidence and self-image. The newfound sense of empowerment helped me embrace motherhood, grief, and life itself with renewed vigor. I was no longer defined by my losses but by the strength I found within myself to heal and move forward.

The transformation that I experienced with Neinstein Plastic Surgery’s Mommy Makeover not only changed my life but also inspired those around me. Friends and family witnessed the positive shift in my attitude and self-assurance. Since my mommy makeover, I am a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and the list goes on. I hope my story can serve as a beacon of hope for other women who are facing similar struggles. And while it’s true that looks do not define a person’s worth, feeling good in your own skin and loving what you see in the mirror does significantly impact self-esteem and overall happiness and demonstrates the importance of embracing self-confidence and positive body image. This was a life changing experience and today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of self-care and the indomitable spirit of women. My journey with Neinstein Plastic Surgery has shown me that no matter the obstacles we face, we have the strength to rise, heal, and thrive.