by Dr. Ryan Neinstein
2025 Plastic Surgery Predictions
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing,”
Stephen Covey, the author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, coined this phrase. Its message is timeless – keeping your focus and efforts on the most important goals will help you accomplish them.
What does this mean for you as a potential Neinstein Plastic Surgery patient in 2025? You can count on us delivering on our two core concepts.
- Keep the number of operations we offer to a minimum, so every patient can be confident that we technically perform the operation as well as it possibly can be done.
- 100% focus on providing the best aftercare experience found anywhere in the medical world (we all have had awful experiences when it comes to customer service in medicine, and I vowed long ago to never let that happen in our practice).
If you are reading this, you are likely doing research to find a doctor and practice that will help solve your frustrating problem. Patients have never been more knowledgeable, and we love that. Old cliches from surgeons are gone and unacceptable to the modern plastic surgery patient. They want surgeons to tell the truth and state the facts. You cant substitute charm for substance anymore.
So, many well-researched patients from around the world travel to us for a few specific reasons.
- They want hyper-specialization; a surgeon who performs the procedure every day is simply more likely to match or exceed expectations (so you only have to do it once).
- For tummy tucks specifically, they know we spend two hours just doing the lipo portion of the tuck, when most surgeons spend 90 minutes doing the whole tuck. They want that long lean look and it takes us about 4 hours – compared to 90 minutes – in the operating room to get it right. Well-researched patients know you can’t get results like ours without turning the patient side-to0side and going face down during the procedure. Just doing lipo when the patient is lying on their back leads to very limited results.
- They don’t care about the scar length, they care about the final result and the scar quality. Well-researched patients know that you must make the scar as long as needed to get rid of the loose skin and they know that getting a great scar means meticulous sewing and an incision management system.
- Well researched patients want their doctor to care about the results so much that they perform a house call daily during recovery to analyze and monitor everything. This is our favorite part of the patient journey because not only do we get to analyze our work, but it’s also the time we get to better know you, your family, and your story. It’s the time you go from patient to friend and lifelong community member.
As the founder of Neinstein Plastic Surgery I can assure any potential patient or returning patient that we don’t chase shiny objects, fads, or gimmicks. You will never see the latest buzz-worthy (and cringe-worthy) trends on any of our team members’ social media. What you will see is what you have always seen:
We will continue to share the detailed nuances that patients deserve to know about the operations we perform, and plastic surgery in general. When I recruit surgeons and team members one of the key attributes I seek is someone who truly is committed to being a life-long learner. Obviously our surgeons read the plastic surgery periodicals and attend the conferences, but we take it a step further; we want to be educators and, given the amount of intellectual horsepower we have with four surgeons and five nurses with masters degrees, we conduct research and write academic papers ourselves to further the global pool of plastic surgery knowledge. For instance, I just gave a lecture to a large group of surgeons on the technical advances in tummy tucks we have learned in 2024 at Neinstein Plastic Surgery. We want to share the things we learn with surgeons from around the world because when we share with them they share with us, and we want our patients to know their surgeon literally knows everything there is to possibly know about the procedure they are performing.
Key takeaway for patients – each operation has about 100 steps. With four surgeons and a large volume of patients we are able to constantly analyze and tweak any one of these 100 steps. The pursuit of excellence in surgery is accomplished when you hyper narrow your focus and constantly evaluate your outcomes. We never accept the status quo.
More on Education in the Office
I want people with childlike curiosity of the world to be on the team. I encourage through our monthly book club for people to read wide and far. I believe that reading history and philosophy unlocks the mind and brings beautiful ideas to the surface. Each and every team member continues to amaze me with their insightful ideas that contribute to the patient experience. Most of our team members have not had anyone require them to read things like Shakespeare, Socrates, and the biography of Napoleon. You may not believe this but even our team members in their early 20s thoroughly enjoy this part of the practice. Because they all buy in on the process nobody wants to be left out – especially when we have lively discussions on the books. They realize that life is like walking through a cave and the more you read about the world the more light you are given on the journey.
The Patient Experience.
Danny Meyer, in his best selling book, “Setting the Table”, talks about how he brought hospitality to restaurants. Before Danny, people went to restaurants to eat and now they go to dine. Now, we have all had awful experiences at doctors offices, which is wild to think because it’s one of the most vulnerable experiences we have in our lives. You would think doctors would want their office to be a sea of tranquility and their team to provide a comfortable, warm, and welcoming environment. We all know that this could not fall farther than the reality in most instances. We are often welcomed by a front desk associate who does not seem to want to be there and also does not seem to care about how you the patient (aka the customer) is feeling. How many times have you been left in a cold room naked, waiting for someone to come in and you don’t even know who is going to come in and what they are going to do. I simply found this unacceptable and forever confused me. The doctors went to nice restaurants and fancy hotels – they for sure know what hospitality and customer service is, so why didn’t they provide it in their office? Honestly, I have no clue why doctors and surgeons don’t care as much about the experience as the surgery. It cant just be the cost of hiring great team members and the time it takes to train them. So instead of trying to figure out why this is true I will simply share what customer/patient experience means to us:
- When you enter our offices our patient experience team want be your host. Their goal is to make you feel comfortable and help neutralize the anxiety that is normal when visiting a surgeon.
- For familiarity, each surgeon has their own team. We have found through feedback from our patients that having a surgeon, nurse, and coordinator dedicated to them facilities a better experience. While we all obviously help each other at Neinstein Plastic Surgery a tight team that knows your history, procedure, and where you are in the healing process that is easily reachable via text reduces stress and anxiety after surgery.
- Our private duty nursing has been an absolute game changer for aftercare for many reasons. First and foremost we perform extensive procedures everyone feels better when a trained nurse is present and assessing all aspects of the patient and procedure each and every hour even during the night while the patient sleeps. With drains, incision management systems, a matrix of medications, complex patient positioning, and the need to monitor blood flow, infections, and abnormal swelling our aftercare team ensures patient safety and patient success.Aftercare nursing allows the partner to take care of the kids or continue on working without the immense and complicated burden of looking after a surgical patient in the sensitive period of time after surgery. Its not just looking after the patient from a surgical perspective but they help the patient to the bathroom, bathe, and coordinate their meals. I cant stress how beneficial it is to the patient and the partner for not just better outcomes but a stress free surgical recovery.
- House calls – I know the world is evolving technologically and people want to use AI and any other tech to perform tasks that were previously performed by people but WE believe in the old school concept of waking up extra early and actually going to visit and assess our patients after our complex procedures.
During a house call the surgeon will explain how everything went in the operation (patients love this). They will review the vitals, drain outputs, and medications taken during the night with the nursing team. They will examine all areas of the operation and discuss the plan for the day.
This is also a time where the docs get to know the patient more and establish life long relationships. Our practice is built on these relationships as most of our patients are friends and family members of other patients.
I am sure when many people clicked on this article they were hoping to see some new gizmo or wild plastic surgery invention that was coming for 2025. As things change the important stuff to our patients evolve. Simply getting better at doing operations and taking care of the people we do the operations on is the hottest trend of 2025 and every year after that
If you are ready to make one big decision to change your life in 2025 call us at 212-249-0949 so one of our experience directors can get to know you and get you to the right doctor to solve your problems. You can also email us your story