Facial Rejuvenation in NYC
New York Facial Rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation is a great way for fitness enthusiasts to make sure their face matches their youthful, fit and toned body. For busy New Yorkers, exercise tends to cause fit and toned faces to look deflated, dehydrated, and dull. These physical changes to the face often occur after periods of intense exercise. Deflation causes loss of volume in lips, cheeks, temples and tear troughs, and dehydration causes early skin deterioration and deep wrinkles.
For this reason, Dr. Neinstein has created treatment programs with minimal downtime that allow patients to have supple, naturally beautiful faces to match their fit and toned bodies.
Facial Rejuvenation with Neinstein Plastic Surgery in NYC
Fit Bodies and Fresh Faces
Fit Bodies and Fresh Faces is a tailored and specific non-surgical treatment program designed for the fitness enthusiast. Treatments is:
- A non-surgical approach to restore facial symmetry, beauty, and create a refreshed youthful look
- Scientifically designed with your persona and fitness regime in mind
- Safe
- Predictable
- Minimal in downtime, discomfort, and bruising
All treatments are performed in our Upper East Side New York office. They can be done on the day of the consultation or we can just discuss a plan and do it another time.
The Procedure
The rejuvenation procedure achieves results by taking the following steps:
- Soften lines, folds, and restore volume with fillers
- Soften wrinkles with neurotoxin without sacrificing normal facial expression
- Improve texture and appearance of skin with microneedling collagen induction therapy
The Consultation Process
After spending a few minutes getting to know you, we will begin by identifying your aesthetic concerns and goals. This varies between genders and age. We will also want to know about your fitness routine and how much downtime you are willing to accept. Other things that will be discussed are your genetics (what your parents look like), sun exposure history, previous surgery, medical and medication history, and previous treatment history. We will then systematically go through your concerns and our team will explain all of your treatment options and how we will work together to come up with simplest plan to achieve your aesthetic goal with the least amount of downtime possible.
Key Parts of the Consultation
- Identifying Aesthetic Concerns
- Identifying Aesthetic Priorities
- Creating a treatment program that responsibly addresses your concerns and priorities
Preparing for Your Treatment
If you are planning on having treatments on the day of the consultation please refrain from taking any Advil or Aspirin containing products the week before. These can lead to bruises which will probably not change the result but we want to do everything possible to minimize any discomfort and or downtime allowing you to get back to work/ the gym/ life as quickly as possible. If you have a history of cold sores please let us know so we can give you a dose of medications to prevent an outbreak that rarely happens after injections of any type.
More About Our Approach to Facial Rejuvenation
The lifestyle decisions we make as individuals, from our diets to our exercise routines and everything in-between, results in a unique journey for every patient. As an avid fitness enthusiast, I have found the benefits of exercise and an ongoing dedication to wellness to be incredibly personally rewarding and enlightening. Being the best version of ourselves gives us confidence and a great sense of wellbeing. I have also personally enjoyed the community aspect of fitness and wellness and continue to establish incredible meaningful and deep relationships through my personal fitness journey.
During my training, while specializing in the plastic surgery field I learned much about the many complexities of the facial aging process. Further, I discovered that these patterns of aging, and patient’s concerns regarding the aging face were predictable across the globe. We learned that over the decades the face sinks, sags, and wrinkles in predictable patterns. We also learned strategies for correcting and rejuvenating these with both non-surgical and surgical tools. I learned early on that wrinkles could be treated with neurotoxin and that volume could be replaced by fillers. We learned strategies for rejuvenating the skin of the face to counteract the effects of genetics and sun damage. When we had maximized these non-surgical strategies, we then learned face lifting techniques along with ways to surgically manipulate the eyes, lips, and brows to help turn back the clock.
After spending years personally immersed in the fitness industry I naturally started to get more and more patients seeing me for facial treatments from the fitness community. Being my nerdy and detailed self I started to analyze the common concerns patients were having and started categorizing them. This allowed me to systematically organize and categorize the concerns that patients were having as a result of intense exercise. What I realized was that people who exercise a lot tend to have similar concerns and these are different from the traditional aging process, these are unique concerns as it relates to the consequence of exercise. These patients were not trying to look “done” or “fake” they simply wanted to look their best and to reverse or rejuvenate the effects of exercise. They all say “I want the face to match the body”.
Facial Rejuvenation NYC Cost
Please see our Injections Pricing page for prices.
