Neurotoxin injections in NYC
New York Neurotoxin Injections
Neuromodulators such are toxins that have grown in popularity due to their ability to treat wrinkles and slow down wrinkle formation. They are often referred to by brand name as Botox and Dysport. Wrinkles can develop as a result of sun damage, genetics, dehydration and all those intense facial movements we make in the gym. When we move our face, the muscles under the skin cause the skin to fold. Over time this process leads to wrinkles that start as fine lines and then develop into deep lines. They tend to start in the forehead, frown lines, and around the eyes (crows feet). Neuromodulator injections are the cornerstone treatment to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. At Neinstein Plastic Surgery, we tailor neuromodulator injections to allow for patients to still show their expressions but reduce the ability of the muscles to move enough to cause wrinkles. Instead of injecting large doses (that leave many patients worried), our approach is always conservative and aimed at preserving natural beauty that everyone will notice but nobody should know you had any treatments done.How Does Neuromodulator Help with Wrinkles?
Neuromodulators are injected into the skin above the muscles to slow down the ability of muscles to contract or fold. This is beneficial for cosmetic purposes due to the fact that if the skin above the muscles is not folded, it is less likely to crack, decreasing the chance of wrinkle formation. In addition to the proactive benefits of neuromodulator injections, these treatments can also soften already present wrinkles.When to Start Neurotoxin or Wrinkle Relaxer Treatments
The best time to start treatments is when you start to notice wrinkles develop. This can be as early as 20 something for some and 30 something for others. Depending on our genetics, sun exposure, degree of animation, and amount of exercise we do we will all develop toxins at different times. Its best to start early with your treatments as you will preserve beauty and a natural result and not feel like you are chasing it. We even have specific types of toxins for younger people.Neurotoxin Injections with Neinstein Plastic Surgery in NYC
To begin the procedure, which is performed at our Upper East Side New York City office, we apply a topical numbing cream to the skin while we prepare the injection. Using the smallest needles possible, we lightly inject the clear fluid into the skin above the muscles in a pattern that is unique to your facial movements. Arnica, an over-the-counter anti-bruising gel, is then applied, which completes the procedure.
- Painless in-office procedure (takes about 15 minutes)
- Zero downtime
- Lasts 3-4 months
- Slowly turns on/ slowly turns off (no sharp change in appearance)
- Neinstein Plastic Surgery uses a low dose to preserve facial expression but limit wrinkle formation
Types of Toxins
Basic Pre- and Post-Care Instructions
It is preferred that patients do not come to their neurotoxin appointment with make-up on.
To avoid bruising,  one week before your cosmetic injection appointment, we recommend you stop taking: aspirin, ibuprofen, Excedrin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin E and other essential fatty acids.
Avoid drinking alcohol a few days before your treatment. Do not stop prescriptions from your doctor. When used as directed, Arnica (an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory) may help prevent bruising and swelling, and is highly recommended. You may not receive injectable treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Additional customized instructions will be given to you by your provider.
Frequently Asked Questions About Neurotoxin Injections

Hyperhidrosis is when the body produces more sweat than is needed for regulating our temperatures. This can occur in the armpits, hands, soles of the feet, or face. This can cause significant emotional and psychological distress as it can interfere with work and social activities. Other non surgical treatments include prescription anti perspirants and different types of surgery to remove or alter the glands. One way to treat this non surgically is to limit the ability of the glands to function with ONA. This in office procedure can be used in the armpits, hands, and feet with about 50 units per area.
A recent advanced use of neurotoxins has been to slim calves. We have had many woman tell us they are unable to wear certain boots because their calf muscles are too large. This is not because they over exercise the calf muscles but they just happen to be born with large calves. Since we have three different groups of muscles in the calf that we use for walking, running, and jumping we are able to safely and selectively slim over grown or hypertrophic calf muscles with neurotoxins in the office.
Neuromodulator Injections Cost NYC
We understand the cost of neuromodulators is a consideration for our New York City patients so we aim to responsibly price our neuromodulator injections. Our goal is to ensure the average price of the procedure is within reach for everyone who seeks treatment.
The price of neuromodulator treatments in our NYC office can be found here.
If you have any questions, or are ready to schedule your appointment, please contact us at your convenience.
