Laser SKin Resurfacing in nYC

New York Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing is for New Yorkers who want the best skin, with minimal lifestyle disturbance and quickest results.

At Neinstein Plastic Surgery we want to provide you with the latest in laser skin resurfacing technology. Dr. Ryan Neinstein and staff understand the cosmetic and dermatologic skin goals of our patients and want to provide real results. Our New York City based office provides patients with the most cutting-edge technology. As an advanced plastic surgery practice, incorporating full body laser treatments sets us apart from the rest. Our goal is to specialize in helping our patients feel their best, we now skin conditions to help you GLOW in your own skin, working from the inside out. The new skin cells that are produced are collagen enriched, skin appears smoother, tighter and give you an overall brighter appearance. Just 3 + sessions a year can help preserve the skin and create long lasting results.

Lutronic Ultra

The Lutronic ultra is a non-ablative, Thulium laser, which works deeper into your skin without the potential of damaging the top visible layers of skin. Lutronic Ultra can resolve various skin conditions such as acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, melasma, brown spots, stretch marks and actinic keratosis. It’s a customizable, comfortable laser with minimal downtime, since efficiency and effectiveness is what New Yorkers are looking for. It differs from other traditional resurfacing lasers by rebuilding the skin from the inside out. It can be customized from mildly aggressive to extremely aggressive and it is cost effective since treatments can be done all year long.


The newest laser to NPS is CO2 resurfacing. We strive to give our patients such avant-garde technology, resulting in the best skin possible. If you are noticing the development of aging skin, sun spots, stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and enlarged pores – this is the most beneficial option for you. Implementing carbon dioxide into your skincare routine will aid in resurfacing the skin – furthermore enhancing these problem areas. This modernized CO2 device is guaranteed to provide exceptional results and ultimately restore your self-confidence one treatment at a time.

RF Microneedling

In search of tighter looking skin without the downtime of a surgical procedure? RF Microneedling is the most valuable non-surgical alternative to refresh tired, dull skin. With little to no downtime, the results of RF Microneedling are superior: collagen is stimulated to increase elasticity in the skin, lighten pigmentation, and keep you looking refreshed all day long. Each session of RF Microneedling is customized to your skin type and desired downtime. It most commonly treats: scars, sun damage, stretch marks, and aging. For optimal results, Nurse Tara recommends having 3 sessions, each 4-8 weeks apart from one another. If wanting to emphasize the results even further, Nurse Tara also offers a combination service – which entails the teaming of RF Microneedling and CO2 – joining forces to resurface the skin on the outermost layer – the cherry on top (one might say)!

Laser Skin Resurfacing with Neinstein Plastic Surgery in NYC

In our New York office you will be brought into our special laser treatment room. Prior to the treatment you will go over your skin conditions and concerns and the best settings and level for your desired results with Nurse Tara, a fully trained APRN. Your face will be cleaned prior to the treatment, the treatment will take place while we discuss post treatment care for your skin afterwards. Moisturizer will be applied after your treatment.


Neinstein Plastic Surgery is the best choice for skin resurfacing as we have the most cutting-edge options. We have New York City’s finest well-trained doctors, and advanced practitioners that understand the science of lasers and anatomy of the body. You will be in the best care with the best results.

“My skin has truly never looked better, I even look more awake”
- K.A.