Lip Fillers in NYC
New York Lip Filler Injections
Lip fillers, also known as Hyaluronic Acid Fillers are lip injections that address facial volume loss. Lip filler injections are a cosmetic treatment that restore volume in deflated and dehydrated lips.
As we age, naturally the volume in our faces decreases and our skin changes. It becomes thinner, we lose fat, and no longer have that youthful, plump skin as we once did. Facial aging begins to occur in our 20’s when skin firmness begins to decrease as a result of both internal (genetics and natural aging) and external (sun exposure, smoking, stress, exercise, etc.) factors.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that our bodies produce. It gives us volume and elasticity. In the past, facial volume loss was treated with materials such as silicone and collagen, but these materials often caused severe side effects. Today, we use HA fillers. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers in New York City is one of the signature procedures at Neinstein Plastic Surgery. These fillers are made specifically to be a safe method for volume restoration and can be completed in about 30 minutes in our Upper East Side New York office.
Male Lip Injections
A common misconception is that lip filler is only for women but the truth is that men are not immune to the effects of aging! Plenty of men visit Neinstein Plastic Surgery to enhance their pout because just as women do, as men age they experience a reduction in collagen production. Because of this, our lips may thin. Injecting the lips can help correct this by stimulating collagen. A proper assessment, along with our customized approach, will ensure that you receive the look you desire.
Our Approach to Fillers
Our approach to lip fillers in New York City is based on the belief that each patient has a unique aesthetic journey. We will listen to your questions, ideas, and goals. We want to create a custom treatment plan that reflects your lifestyle and beauty tastes.
While we will always be up-to-date on aesthetic lip filler trends, we treat patients with the backbone of science, prudence, and trusted safe injection practices. All of our providers are constantly trained on up-to-date lip injection techniques and best practices.
We take great pride in being able to provide all the products approved for lip filler injections in our Upper East Side New York City practice. Neinstein Plastic Surgery is ideal for patients seeking customized, advanced and tasteful lip fillers to look and feel their best!
How Lip Fillers Injections Work
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers are popular because they mimic our body’s naturally occurring Hyaluronic acid. There are numerous types of fillers on the market today with the main difference being the molecular size of the product.
Although the chemical make-up is very similar, we choose large or small molecule products depending on the injection site. Larger molecule products are used for deep injections where we are attempting to replace lost volume and create a stronger foundation to the skin. Smaller molecule products are used in areas such as the tear trough region, acne scars or fine wrinkles around the mouth, where we need a more precise result.
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers not only reflate tissue, but also energize collagen giving more natural volume to sunken areas. Over time, patients often require less filler as collagen has been re-established to create a natural, fresh appearance once again.
Hyaluronic acid fillers will naturally be absorbed through your body’s own natural process over a period of 9-12 months. However, in some areas where the filler literally stretches and changes the shape of the underlying tissue, such as nose reshaping and acne scars; the results may last much longer.
As with any other form of cosmetic surgery, when performing filler injections, our goal is to augment lips with soft, beautiful, and natural results. We are not aiming for overly plump looks to give an odd or overly dramatic look.

Lip Injections with Neinstein Plastic Surgery in NYC
Lip augmentation injections take about 30 minutes in our Upper East Side office on 5th Avenue.
Neinstein Plastic Surgery offers two forms of numbing to ensure patients are completely comfortable during their appointment. The procedure starts by numbing the area of concern, followed by the filler itself which has built in numbing for an enjoyable and restful experience. Your comfort is our top priority!
While you numb, your provider will discuss all of your concerns with you as well as your aesthetic goals. We will assess your lips natural anatomy and give an honest recommendation and a course of action that will help you achieve the lips you’ve always desired.
We uses a technique called ‘lip tenting’, where the needle is inserted at the vermilion border: the line located above the colored portion that connects the lip tissue to the rest of the face, multiple times so that the filler is distributed evenly to avoid the “duck bill” look and create a crisp edge. The philtrum column, also known as the cupids bow, is the natural indentation/‘v’ in the middle area of the upper lip. Injecting in both the vermilion border and philtrum column will create more definition and volume to your pout.
Key Elements of Our Lip Fillers Procedure
The best way to approach lip augmentation is to start with a low amount and go slow. We like to inject a little dermal filler and then ask patients to wait a week. It takes time for the product to integrate with the tissue, so time between injections is helpful in determining if more filler is wanted. This approach protects against patient anxiety, stress about overfilling, and ensures our overall goal of a natural appearance.
Most commonly, we treat the lips, cheeks, folds, tear troughs, and temples.

Injection Pre-care
Precare is equally, if not as, important as aftercare and recovery! For all injectable treatments, it is preferred that patients do not come to their appointment with make-up on. To avoid bruising with fillers, a week before your cosmetic injection appointment, we recommend you stop taking: aspirin, ibuprofen, Excedrin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin E and other essential fatty acids. You should also avoid drinking alcohol a few days prior to your treatment. Do not stop prescriptions from your doctor. We recommend taking Arnica (an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory) orally 3-5 days prior to your appointment. This will help the bruising and swelling!
Please let your provider know if you are prone to getting cold sores.
Recovery and Aftercare
Do not rub or massage lips or apply lip balm for 4 hours post treatment.
When cleansing your face or applying makeup, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid excessive mobility of the area.
Avoid strenuous exercise for the remainder of the treatment day. Bruising at the treatment site may occur. You may resume other normal activities immediately. Temporary, minimal to moderate swelling may be expected. Apply cool compresses to the area treated (avoiding pressure).
It may be normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site that can last for a few hours or, at times, a couple of days. You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving any laser treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lip Fillers
Are Lip Fillers Safe? Can I receive them while pregnant /breastfeeding?
To answer a very frequently asked question: yes, lip fillers are safe and have been approved by the FDA. That being said, you may not receive injectable treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. We Carry all Filler Products as part of our commitment to providing the best care possibleHow Much Filler Am I Getting?
In short, the answer is you will get as much filler as needed to accomplish your lip filler goals. A common question we get is ‘Is a full syringe of filler too much?’. One syringe is approximately ⅕ of a tsp of filler per 1cc syringe which is not a lot of volume. Some of the mystique around lip injections is related to swelling and volume. A small amount of lip filler injection material can cause short-term swelling which will be minimized with oral steroids, ice, and best practices in reducing swelling. While we can inject very small amounts of lip filler during each session, it is recommended to use the amount of filler needed to obtain your goal lip shape and aesthetics. Each hyaluronic acid product will draw or absorb different amounts of water. Our aesthetic providers will be able to describe to you the swelling process and the anticipated amount of time until the product will embrace your tissues. Repeated injections can cause more swelling in the long run and also each and every session will have its own fee and inherent risksCan I Get Any Shape or Any Size I Want with Lip Fillers?
Lip augmentation is a sure way to enhance your pout increasing the size which can alter the appearance by enlarging the shape. With that being said, lip fillers are highly individualized and working with your lips natural anatomy while working towards creating your dream pout is a top priority at Neinstein Plastic Surgery! We will always provide educational and honest feedback in terms of achieving the results you desire. But often, we think that we can achieve the lips of anyone we see on Instagram by treating our own with filler and that is simply not the case. We can and will absolutely provide a course of action to get you on track to having the pout you’ve always desired but the size and shape is based on the individual needs and wants of each patient. Your happiness is our priority!
What is a Lip Flip?
Looking for an alternative to lip injections (or an add on) that will provide a subtle enhancement and lift? A lip flip might be the right option for you! Offered in our office on the Upper East Side, a lip flip is a less invasive procedure that requires precise placement of a wrinkle relaxer along the upper lip muscle near the border. This relaxes the muscle in turn making the upper lip appear more visible. This creates a fuller, plumper, natural upper lift.
The cost of a lip flip in NYC is $250.
Touch Up Policy
We do not currently offer any touch ups for filler at Neinstein Plastic Surgery. We can enhance your experience if needed. This will incur an aesthetic provider and product fee.
Dissolving Lip Filler in NYC
Should you need to dissolve filler whether done elsewhere or simply you just feel overfilled, we are happy to accommodate you. Similarly to receiving filler, you will be numbed to ensure optimal comfort.The most common reason why patients will seek lip filler dissolving in NYC is not the size or shape of the lips because these tend to settle in days after swelling but usually because of lumps. Lip bumps occur for many reasons. From time to time the hyaluronic acid lip filler injection may be too close to the surface of the lips or even too close to the inside of the mouth. When this occurs due to the circular action of the muscles in the lips the product may coalesce into a sphere this sphere or bump may be noticeable to the patient both visually and tactically. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that causes hydrolysis (breakdown) of hyaluronic acid. It is often referred to as a reversal agent for hyaluronic acid-based fillers. When the enzyme is injected it dissolves the synthetic hyaluronic acid filler, leaving your own intact. Since the process involves a chemical reaction there can be a significant amount of swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Many time a number of lip filler dissolving sessions are required to get the lip filler shape to be just right. Our injectors do not want to over dissolve causing disfigurement. Hyaluronidase enzymes are highly effective in dissolving hyaluronic acid-based facial fillers. Hyaluronidase is then injected into the lips which metabolizes the enzyme and will completely dissolve the filler returning your lips back to their natural form. The process of dissolving is highly individualized and will be assessed to determine best course of action!
The cost to dissolve filler in NYC is $500.
Needle or Cannula
Needles have the advantage of extreme movement precision. On the other hand, cannulas cause less trauma and allow treatment of larger areas at the selected injection depth. Injections are done by a provider. For each and every injection we will customize your care and use the best needle or cannula to obtain your goals .LIP INJECTIONS COST
Lip fillers price can vary in New York City. The goal of our practice is to price lip filler injections at a rate that ensures the cost of augmentation is within reach for any patient seeking fuller lips. Please see our Injections Pricing page for prices.REAL RESULTS
