Liposuction Recovery Time
Liposuction recovery time is one of the major concerns for patients seeking liposuction. The idea of a painful or prolonged liposuction recovery can scare people out having liposuction surgery. Recovery can vary from person to person and will depend on many factors. It is important for patients to understand one of the major advances in liposuction over the last 30 years is the reduction in recovery time. Gone are the days of patients being in hospital for many days for liposuction recovery.
With modern technology and techniques we can minimize liposuction recovery days, but also the amount of bruising, pain, discomfort, and swelling. Patients should know their recovery will be proportionate to the size of the operation. They should also know liposuction recovery can be minimized by experts in liposuction and they should consult experienced surgeons who perform many liposuction procedures to reduce their recovery time.
A lot of liposuction recovery will be enhanced after surgery with post liposuction treatments. The majority of patients will have targeted liposuction and thus will have minimal recovery allowing them to return to work and exercise very fast. However, in my practice I perform major body contouring procedures. Compared to years ago the liposuction recovery process is shortened significantly but can still be up to a week after a major liposuction procedure.
Below we outline all aspects of liposuction recovery in order to demystify the recovery process and answer any and all questions someone may have when they ask about how they will recover from their procedure.
Every aspect of the liposuction operation needs to be ideal for the best outcome and easiest liposuction recovery possible. To be a liposuction expert requires the best staff and equipment possible. The hospitals cannot accumulate the vast amount of technology and liposuction instruments we have in the office. Furthermore, other surgeons who specialize in things like nose and breast surgery also cannot accumulate this amount of equipment.
Then it comes to safety. I have handpicked the best staff to ensure not only a comfortable environment but the safest possible environment possible. Patients appreciate the personal attention of the office rather than the sterile impersonal hospital.
When I am giving courses to other surgeons around the world or teaching the local residents about liposuction I also teach “handle the tissues gently”. I always say “what you put in is what you get out”. Meaning if you are gentle with the tissues at surgery you can limit the amount of inflammation, which limits the amount of bruising and swelling which limits the amount of liposuction recovery.
Preparing for Recovery
Before Surgery
The best way to reduce the liposuction recovery process is to set yourself up for success. The first thing your surgeon should discuss is your current medical conditions. For instance I would have patients who smoke quit for 4 weeks before surgery. Smoking can decrease blood flow in the important little arteries that are bringing nutrients to the areas of liposuction to help them heal. When people are smoking their liposuction recovery will be significantly delayed and they may even have some wound healing problems. Wound healing problems can be in the form of an infection, a blood clot, or a poor scar. The next condition in which your surgeon should optimize to reduce liposuction recovery is diabetes. When someone has diabetes all of the cells in their body do not work very well when the sugar is out of control. Some simple blood tests can tell your surgeon if your sugars are being well controlled. Having your diabetes under control will improve the function of your cells and will reduce your liposuction recovery. I also discuss nutrition and weight. Patients will have the best response to liposuction when they are close to their ideal weight. Sometimes we will have people placed on a medically supervised HCG diet to rapidly lose weight before surgery but overall we get people connected with our special nutritionists and dietitians for a plant based raw vegetable diet for 4-6 weeks before surgery to rapidly lose weight. This allows me to maximize contour going into surgery. Also, most patients when they lose weight and have surgery are so happy with their new body they find new confidence and inspiration to enhance their liposuction results with lifelong commitments to health and wellness. In terms of medications I will have patients stop all vitamins, minerals, and supplements a week before surgery. While these can contribute to health and wellness many of them interfere with bleeding. If there is excess bleeding and or bruising than the liposuction recovery will be prolonged. We also ask patients not to take Advil, Motrin, or aspirin containing products a week before surgery again to help speed up the liposuction recovery process. One thing that always comes up the 48 hours before liposuction is caffeine. I understand I am also someone who starts every day with a coffee or two. However, the effects of caffeine are not benign (that’s why we like it so much) and, as such, I ask patients to refrain from coffee for two days before surgery.The Day of Surgery
The day of surgery should be a day of relief for patients. All of the anticipation is over and it’s time to start the liposuction recovery process. On the day of surgery in my office we make every effort possible for people to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Also, we hold your hand every step. I really want patients to feel as if we have total control of every detail and all they have to do is show up to the office. We have a large waiting room for the families and loved ones and also are within walking distance of Manhattan’s best museums and restaurants so the families have a lot to do. I prefer to operate in the comfort of my office operating room for a number of reasons. First, I have the best equipment. I also have total control for upkeep of the equipment ensuring the best liposuction procedure and liposuction recovery possible. While at the hospital or surgical centers many surgeons may have access to the equipment and may not know how to use the liposuction equipment properly rendering the liposuction equipment in poor condition.