ASPS: The Cosmetic Secrets of Plastic Surgeons

The Cosmetic Secrets of Plastic Surgeons: What Procedures They Choose for Themselves

Dr. Funderburk was recently featured in an American Society of Plastic Surgeons blog on the cosmetic secrets of plastic surgeons. An excerpt from the article can be found, below.

Christopher Funderburk, MD, began his journey with cosmetic procedures during his residency.

“I started getting Botox injections as a plastic surgeon in residency,” said Dr. Funderburk. “We would practice on each other, out of necessity more than vanity.”

This practice has continued into his professional life. Dr. Funderburk keeps up with his Botox treatments to prevent deep facial lines from forming and continues getting injections approximately every five months. He continues to get his injections from a trusted colleague.

To read the full article.

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