Tear Trough FIllers in NYC
New York Tear Trough Fillers
Tear trough fillers are hyaluronic acid gel injections that address facial volume loss. Similar to the lips, tear troughs are a common area where fillers can be used to restore volume, which is why our practice offers tear trough fillers injections. Many of us have deep set eyes that can give an “always tired” appearance. Patients often will say they look tired even when they have had a full night sleep. The truth is, some of us are born with heavy bags and dark circles under eyes. This appearance can mask our true emotions and change the way the world sees us While surgery is a great permanent solution to address this area, patients are often reluctant to undergo facial or eye surgery, which is why filler injections are so popular. Fillers are not ideal for patients with very thin skin that looks and feels like it is almost attached or stuck to the cheek bone. These patients will not benefit because you will be able to see the product. We also defer pregnant or breast feeding patients for safety concerns.Tear Trough Fillers with Neinstein Plastic Surgery In NYC
Tear trough fillers are an ideal alternative to surgery for many patients. The goal of these injections is to blend the eyelid with the cheek to give a rested and youthful appearance.Preparing for Injections
Prior to their appointment, patients are asked to not use blood thinners like aspirin for 5 days before the procedure. On the day of the injections we remove any makeup and numb the skin for 20 minutes.Injection Process
At Neinstein Plastic Surgery, our approach is to inject very deep (almost directly on the cheek bone starting about half way up the nose) and slowly move a small wave of the hyaluronic acid up towards the tear trough area. We have found that this technique is safe, predictable and dramatically reduces the risk of bruising in the area. Once the injections are complete, we place ice on the eyes for 5 minutes and the patient takes a one time dose of steroids to reduce swelling. Since we numb the skin and injections have some numbing material as well, patients should only experience some mild discomfort. We also only use cannulas (no needles under the skin), which means less trauma to the tissues. Again, patients should be careful about choosing injectors and locations such as spas when having medical procedures performed.Recovery & After Care
Do not rub or massage the treated area immediately following your treatment. When cleansing your face or applying makeup, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid excessive mobility of the area. Patients should wait 24 hours before resuming strenuous activities that raise their heart rate and blood pressure, such as exercise and sex. Bruising at the treatment site may occur. You may resume other normal activities immediately. Temporary, minimal to moderate swelling may be expected. Apply cool compresses to the area treated (avoiding pressure). It may be normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site that can last for a few hours or, at times, a couple of days. You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving any laser treatments. Neinstein Plastic Surgery has LED light therapy devices available for patients to bring home to speed healing and incorporation of product into the skin.Tear Trough Fillers Before & After
After receiving fillers, the volume change is immediate but full tissue integration and settling takes about a week. To see all tear trough before and after photos, click here.Tear Trough Fillers Cost NYC
At Neinstein Plastic Surgery, our goal to price our tear trough filler injections to ensure the procedure is within reach for any patient eager to enhance their look.
Please see our Injections Pricing page for prices.
"Dr. Neinstein is just amazing! Went to him for some neurotoxin on forehead and eye filler for hollowness. The next week my two friends had to go too!"
- S.B.
