Patient Stories: My Patient Experience with Dr. Chris Funderburk

“I’m Smaller Than In My 20s”

Dr. Chris Funderburk is special. His technical ability in the operating room is extraordinary. Beyond that his ability to galvanize those around him to always be the best version of themselves and to never for a second forget the patient comes first is admirable.

Individually and as a group we believe in the pursuit of perfection. The bar cannot be raised alone, greatness does not occur on a lonely island. With Dr. Chris Funderburk and our other highly motivated insanely emotionally intelligent team we aim for group think and performance at a higher and different level than what you have seen before in medicine

One of Dr. Funderburkโ€™s mommy makeover patients wanted to share with others her journey to pay back all of our other community members who shared theirs with hers. Below are the details of her journey in her own words.

Who: 43 year old mom after 83lb weight loss

Procedure: Revision breast surgery, liposuction, muscle repair, extended tummy tuck

Backstory: I had been following and deeply admiring the work of the surgeons at neinstein plastic surgery for a few years now. I finally took the plunge and had a tummy tuck with muscle repair and lipo 360 with Dr. Chris Funderburk. Iโ€™m almost 4 month post op and just blown away by my results. Not only is their long, lean aesthetic exactly what i was looking for, but Dr. Chris gave me back the ability to work out to my bodyโ€™s full potential now that my abdominal muscles have been repaired.

The team: I was prepared for a rough recovery and was so surprised it was easier than expected. My surgical coordinator, Becca, and my nurse, Chloe are absolute angels. They were always available to answer any questions I had and check in on how i was feeling. Everyone I encountered at NPS made me feel comfortable and at ease. You are treated like family by everyone here.

In reflection: Of all the specialists and physicians Iโ€™ve seen throughout the years, I have never experienced care like this before. They ensured I was thoroughly prepared before surgery, fully cleared from a surgical safety perspective, and given the best care day of and beyond. They put me in touch with amazing nurses that stayed with me for 24 hours after surgery. Dr. Chris visited me the morning after surgery before I went home to make sure everything looked good and see how I was feeling. Another aspect that gave me so much reassurance while I was considering surgery and again while i was recovering, is the NPS patient community.

What sets them apart and makes you a believer: their patients are willing to speak to other women about their experience which makes the whole process easier to go through. I really had such a great experience all around. I felt so comfortable fully entrusting them with this surgery and couldnโ€™t be happier. I highly recommend them to anyone considering this for themselves.



If this story and transformation moved you, we want to help you become the hero of your own story, please email us your name and number and what bothers you so our patient experience team can call you and give you value information

– Dr. Ryan Neinstein